
PlanningxChange 63 with Ben Rossiter of Victoria Walks



In PX63, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Ben Rossiter Secretary and Executive Officer of Victoria Walks. The organisation is a walking health promotion charity managed by an independent voluntary board. The organisation's mission is simple: 'More people walking more every day'. Victoria Walks undertakes research, which informs an ongoing campaign of advocacy and policy work. Ben talks of the benefits of walking and impediments to walking within our city form. But isn't more walking just like eating more vegetables, we all know we should do more of it! Ben answers this question suggesting walking is given better representation within the transport matrix and from this better implementation solutions can follow so that walking is an easier daily choice. The organisation website contains a link to (an offshoot) that contains numerous local walking trails, the majority created by the public. The website includes videos on how to create and upload walking trails. Ther