
PlanningxChange 60 with Peter Seamer and Cameron Alderson



In PX60, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell engage in a free flowing discussion with Peter Seamer and Cameron Alderson. Peter Seamer is in a unique position to write about the future of our cities and has achieved one of Australia's most critical analysis of city form in ‘Breaking Point: The Future of Australian Cities’. He was the CEO of the Victorian Planning Authority for ten years, the CEO of Federation Square during its building phase and first few years, and has been the CEO of several cities, including Sydney. He has just started a new project promoting new thoughts about city development ( Cameron Alderson is an insightful, forward thinking property developer (Director at Canopi Homes). He has a long history of promoting innovative housing projects and involvement with VPELA. He has previously featured in PX6. Podcast produced by Complete Podcasting Services. Episode released 12 March 2020.