
PlanningxChange 57 with Valentine (Val) Gnanakone: Traffic Engineer



In PX57, the interview subject is Val Gnanakone, a Director at Old Mile Grid traffic engineers. Val talks about the changing role and focus of the traffic engineering profession in city development. Traditionally viewed as car and truck focused, Val talks of the widening scope of activities. These including making better city spaces by improving mobility options. In the interview we pose the question, should traffic engineers have a different job decription? The interview discusses a wide range of mobilitiy questions relating to residential, commercial and freight uses. There are no simple answers to the issues raised. Val also considers technological changes and what these will do to city spaces. A thoroughly optimistic interview subject. The interview was released on the 22 November 2019. Podcast produced by Zak Willsallen of Complete Podcasting Services. For more details go to