
PlanningxChange 42 with Pru Goward - Minister of the Crown



In PX42, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Pru Goward. Pru is the New South Wales Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. An earlier portfolio including Minister for Planning. Prior to entering Parliament Pru served as Australia's Sex Discrimination Commissioner. An economist by training and a broadcaster by practice, Pru spent 19 years with the ABC where she received many awards including a special Walkey Award, journalism's highest honour. This interview includes discussion on the need for bravery in public policy and the need for fresh ideas that are ideology free. Also that we should have high expectations on what Government can achieve. Podcast released 28 October 2018. Technical production by Zak Willsallen of Complete Podcast Services. For more information go to