
PlanningxChange 41 with David Bissell (author of Transit Life)



In PX41, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview David Bissell about his recently published book Transit Life - How Commuting is Transforming Our Cities (MIT Press). David is Associate Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the School of Geography, Melbourne University. In prepartion for the book, David undertook extensive field research and comprehensively reviewed previously published works. He brings new insights on how 'the commute' is changing citizens. The commute is a separate space in citizens lives and too often treated poorly. He identifies new means and approaches to making life better within these jorneys. Fresh and insightful, Transit Life brings humanity to a sometimes dry analysis of commuting times and means. The podcast interview includes discussions on the 'commute corridor' and how authorities, designers and practitioners can improve this space/sphere. Podcast released 31 August 2018. Technical production by Zak Willsallen of Complete Podcast Services. For more informatio