
PlanningxChange 31 with Phil Borelli (SJB Planning)



In PX31, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Phil Borelli of SJB Planning. Phil started his career at the former Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) in the 1970's as a cadet planner. Afterwards he worked at the State Government Planning Department overseeing development activity within the Melbourne CBD then onto private practice with SJB Planning. Phil reflects on his early mentoring, his work on the nearly emerging Southbank Precinct and talks of the ground breaking mid 1980's planning system of developer incentives to create improved public domain outcomes. The interview includes discussion on optimum city size, the problems with lengthy commute times, experimental planning and the need to accommodate ever greater densities whilst providing acceptable amenity outcomes. Podcast released on the 9 November 2017. For more details go to