
PlanningxChange Broadcast 18 with Brian 'Harry' Haratsis (economist)



In PX18, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Brian 'Harry' Haratsis a Director and founder of  Macroplan Dimasi. Harry is an economic planner / forecaster and author of three books. His books 'Australia 2050', 'Beyond the Fringe' and the recently released 'Destructive Cities' make a provocative and engaging assessment of urban issues in light of societal, economic and technological changes. Harry finds that the traditional 'Garden City movement' no longer serves our citzens and diverts attention away from where planners should be focused. In a sparkling interview, Harry describes much of planning theory and practice as outdated and a situation akin to the 'emperor having no clothes'.  Harry is an original thinker, a planning philospher who surfs. One of Australia's foremost planning intellectuals, he presents challenging ideas in a straight forward accessible manner.  Music: Intro - Breezy House by Qronix. Outro - This Girl (Kungs vs. Cookin' on 3 Burners). Podcast released August 2016. For more details se