Stemcast With Dr. Reagan Flowers

Black Girls Do Engineer with Kara Branch and Melanie Wyatt



Kara Branch and Melanie Wyatt are the directors of Black Girls Do Engineer Corporation.   Black Girls Do Engineer Corporation was established in June of 2019. The organization was created with the concern that Black-American women are not progressing in STEM related careers, and our passion to change the narrative of high turnover and fix this issue. Our goal is to reach youth and young adult women, and guide them towards success in STEM careers in corporate America. Our board of directors and officers consist of Black-American women leading in Engineering, Biology, Project management, Executive MBA, and Lean Six Sigma roles. As mentors, we will provide insight based on our journeys in the STEM industry as a blueprint to help other young women succeed in the future. With Black Girls Do Engineer, it is not only our passion, it is our responsibility to reach back and invest in the future.   In this episode we discuss: The journey of two coworkers changing the narrative in STEM.  The transition from an