The Sonya Looney Show

Beating Stage 4 Cancer One Pedal Stroke at a Time with Jim Murphy



Jim Murphy is one of the most inspiring people I know.  We first met by coincidence when our paths crossed in the bicycle industry.  Since then, I've looked to Jim as a mentor, a ride buddy, and most importantly, as a great friend.  When he was diagnosed with cancer almost exactly 5 years ago, I was speechless that cancer had attacked my amazing friend.  He started a blog about his experience and I distinctly remember his impactful words saying to his readers, "Do not tell me 'I'm Sorry.' I'm not sorry."  His tenacity and passion for life were the key to how he dealt and beat esophageal cancer.  He refused to let the diagnosis dictate his future, and he insisted on continuing to ride his bike and ski as a Ski Patroller, even while undergoing chemo and radiation. He even rode his bike to the treatments.  But that's not all, Jim has lead an incredible life with a dynamite career.  He has been the National Director of Sales and also has held Vice President of Sales for massive companies like Snapple, Red Bull, F