The Sonya Looney Show

The Most Powerful Influence in Your Life is in Your Head: On Self-Compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff



"The person inside your head that you're with 24/7 is yourself. So you have to be your own supportive friend. I tell people you have a choice. you can be an inner ally or an inner enemy. It's that simple.  The voice in your head can either be kind, supportive, encouraging, nurturing 24/7 or cutting you down telling you you're a loser, you're no good, you're not good enough." - Dr. Kristin Neff The voice inside our head is possibly one of the most powerful influences on our lives.  Most people are very self-critical and hard on themselves.  Have you ever noticed that if a friend makes a mistake, you say "oh, that's ok, everyone makes mistakes" but if you make the same mistake yourself, you might say, "Ah Gosh! I'm such an IDIOT!"  How we talk to ourselves is extremely powerful and being mindful about your self-talk is the key to getting started. One of my favorite quotes is "The voice inside your head that says you can't do this is a liar."  I first learned about training my inner voice to be more supportive a