Father Time With Jamie Kaler

Episode 22: Dean Cameron



You definitely know Dean Cameron. He was "Chain Saw" in "Summer School". Yes, that guy. From "Ski School" and "Ski School II, Electric Boogaloo"? Yes, that's him.  His credit list is amazing, NCIS, Men at Work, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Straight Outta Compton...but his life is even crazier. From early success with Carl Reiner directing his first film, to doing dinner shows in Vegas as a Wizard, to rising like a phoenix, and now becoming one of Hollywood's go to character actors. "Chain Saw" is now a father. Come along for one of my fave rides as Dean shares stories of shooting a zombie film with a pre-"Friends" Matt LeBlanc, conning an internet con artist from Nigeria out of money (true story), and growing up with 5 different fathers in his life. How is that possible? You'll have to listen. It's insane.