Podcast Satellite / With Prince Handley




PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL: FORMULA FOR MILITARY SUCCESS You can listen to this message NOW at: www.podcastsatellite.libsyn.com Click the center of the pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen  now  ... or download for later. For INSTANT PLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all previous messages in the LibSyn Archives (with Show Notes). RSS PODCAST Notice: There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! DESCRIPTION: Sometimes G-d wants us to wait until we are mature to enter our promised land. However, when YHWH instructs us to GO - possess the land NOW – it is sin not to obey. Why wait 40 years and suffer cruel hardship. It is the same when our enemies are surrounding us