Beyond Burning Fat Podcast | Nutrition | Fitness | Mindset

Episode 51: Emotional Over-Eating - What's Up?



Want to dive deeper into your health? Go to to get on the waitlist for my upcoming course: The Top 5 Blood Tests for Women - How to Order, Understand, and Monitor  In today's episode, we chat about something very common . . . Emotional Over-Eating. Notice how I reference over eating, rather than just emotional eating. There's a difference.  How do you know the difference? What are the red flags associated with it? Better yet, how do you turn the emotional over-eating ship around? Not to worry. We talk about all this in today's episode!  No more waiting - let's push play and hang out for a while ;-) Also, feel free to ask me your questions (on this episode, or any other) by going to and click on either the tab on the right to leave me a voicemail, or click on the CONTACT tab at the top of the homepage.  Here's to your mental health! Chelle