Studentpreneur Podcast: Stories Of Students Who Are Entrepreneurs | Student Entrepreneur | Young Entrepreneur |

#10: Discover the road to Virtual Reality with Wilf and Danum.



Meet this week awesome studentpreneurs :Wilf Watson, 26 years old, studying double degree Business and Arts at the University of the Sunshine Coast & Danum Harris-Lusk, 22 years old, student in Business at USC and both co-funders at Phenomec  Wrap up: Each studentpreneurs' story is different and what works for some people doesn't for others, however I'd like to point out of few things in Wilf and Danum'd journey that are similar to a lot of studentpreneurs I have interviewed for my research: Both Danum and Wilf valued university to meet like minded people. They are a very good examples of leveraging entrepreneurship competition. These competitions are everywhere, at universities, meetups, or event organised globally like the Global Student Entrepreneur Award (GSEA) or Startup Weekend Co. Danum was on his third competition when met Wilf. They got empowered by the energy and the guidance they received at the weekend and won. This gave them a lot of motivation and validation but more: they received mentoring