Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 5 - How To Find & Hire The Right Attorney with Legal Services Link's Matthew Horn



Legal Services Link is a website that allows individuals and businesses with legal needs to find, compare and connect with attorneys at the click of a button. With an easy-to-use online marketplace where individuals and businesses with legal needs can quickly, easily, and informatively connect and enter into engagements for legal services with attorneys, replaces the traditional, time-consuming, and frustrating process for hiring attorneys with a centralized, efficient, and transparent online process. This new method for hiring attorneys will result in attorneys coming to clients, as opposed to clients having to search out and contact attorneys. This will make the hiring process more efficient and effective, resulting in a simpler, hassle-free process that provides clients with the tools necessary to identify and hire the perfect attorney for them. This will also make obtaining legal services more cost-effective, with multiple attorneys applying for the same legal job. Legal Services Lin