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Judge Issues Letter in Welcome Inn Case



US Magistrate Judge Eric Long has issued a letter to counsel in the Welcome Inn case that could be near settlement. In a Jan. 28 letter, Judge Long set out what needed to be done before the settlement conference scheduled for Feb. 22. The judge posed several questions that required an answer prior to the conference, including whether the parties want the settlement terms on the record and how soon the checks and closing documents could be received. The court is seeking to settle the case to save time and avoid costly litigation. The plaintiffs filed suit against the defendants Jan. 28, 2017. Since then, many documents have been filed with the court. Case History Plaintiffs April R. Brashier, Richard M. Orencia, and Chad Lebow filed a lawsuit against Quincy Property LLC, doing business as “Welcome Inn,” and against Brett Burge, Kenneth Logan, Quentin Kearney and Joe Wimberly under FLSA and Illinois Wage Laws. The lawsuit, filed on Jan. 28, 2017, alleges the plaintiffs worked at the defendants’ hotels and weren