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Another Scam Debt Collector?



The phone rings. The caller claims to be from United Processing Services. The message: Call an unnamed law firm within a specified time period, usually an hour or two, or a process server will arrive at your door, or worse, at your place of employment. Don’t ask questions because there are no answers. The case is purportedly sealed, however, a case number is provided to give to an attorney at the toll-free phone number for the purported law firm. A call to the so-called “law firm” leads to a company called R & J Consulting where the person answering is a debt collector, not an attorney, and will attempt  to collect a debt- or a presumed debt- or a phantom debt. The threatening calls often go to those who are in the midst of a major purchase, such as a mortgage, refinance or vehicle loan. The calls put some in a panic as they don’t want anything to prevent or delay their purchase. Many succumb to the scam because at first glance everything looks legitimate. An Internet search of “United Processing Services