Get Rich Education

50: Keith Weinhold | Don’t Quit Your Day Dream



#50: If you don’t have a concrete day dream, then how will you know what success is? How do you reach your day dream? What must you avoid to reach it? Want more wealth? Visit and Subscribe to: 1) Our free newsletter, and 2) Maverick turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 01:02  When you own enough cash flowing rental units, you are financially free. What’s your number? 03:18  Goals vs. Dreams. 10:04  One big key to reaching your day dream and what you must avoid. 14:24  Leverage, abundant thought. 17:30  The #1 question that you need to ask about an investment. 19:44  Employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s are costly. You’re committing Life Deferral just to get Tax Deferral. Stop. 25:55  The exotic Panama Coffee Farm Tour is November 13 - 15th, and you’re invited! And it’s free. Come meet Keith. Send an e-mail to 34:20  Quit committing Life Deferral. 35:18  Dan Sullivan and the four Cs: Commitment, Courage, Capability,