Resilient Performance Podcast

Mickey Brueckner: Throwing Athlete Arm Care



Mickey Brueckner is the owner and director of training at the ANNEX Sports Performance Center, a sports performance and CrossFit facility located in Chatham, New Jersey. Like many high school and college student-athletes, Mickey had aspirations to pursue a career as a professional athlete. During his sophomore year in college Mickey was projected to be a top five round pick in the Major League Baseball Draft in the summer of 2003. However, a season-ending elbow injury led to two Tommy-John surgeries and months of physical therapy. Never getting back to his previous form, he had to give up his path of becoming a professional athlete.  To stay connected to his passion, Mickey took up the next best thing - training. As a trainer, Mickey is able to utilize his years of experience as an athlete combined with his performance training and physical therapy experience to help other athletes become faster and stronger, while also focusing on injury prevention.  Since returning from Arizona in 2006, Mickey has quickl