Make Everyday Yourday

008 | What Your Fitness, Lifestyle and Consciousness are Revealing About Your Life



How many of us are taught that the keys to being healthy are working out and eating right? There's overwhelming evidence out in the world now that implies otherwise. Many self-help, personal development, nutrition or fitness-based organizations are what we refer to in the Game as one-dimensional. They focus on one aspect. Sometimes two. But we have yet to see one that addresses and provides measurement in the 3 Dimensions. The 3 Dimensions being Fitness, Lifestyle and Consciousness. And guess what? They're not all equally weighed. Your host, creator and visionary of the YourDay Balance Game and Transformation Specialist, Day Adeogba, goes into specific detail on each of the dimensions, how they measured and how that ties into your greater health, well-being and awareness. We also touch on the importance of feedback, how value it is to measure what is and discover what can be improved. Want to start getting some feedback in your Lifestyle right now? Go to and sign up to start playing the