Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

242_PK_242__The Magic Formula for Confidence with Michelle Thole.



In today’s Podcast, The Magic Formula For Confidence, we've got AMAZING Guest Host, Michelle Thole talking about building confidence. So, grab yourself a cup of your fav and let's take a deep dive in. She will be guiding you through scientifically proven confidence techniques that will help you to move the needle with your own confidence.  You will learn:  - Michelle’s proven formula for confidence and why it is so important.  - How to know your own confidence levels and what to do to increase your confidence levels.  - How to flex your courage muscle and take a step in living confidently - The relationship between fear and excitement - Can confident people feel fear?  - The link between perfectionism and confidence  - How perfectionism will hold you back from being confident in your life