Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

237_PK_237___ Fertility for Over 40's Series: Hypnotherapy



In today's podcast: Natural Fertility For Over 40's Series: Hypnotherapy, I hand the show over to my good friend and Hypnotherapist, AnneMarie Smellie, to take you through a hypnotherapy session to help you on your fertility journey and to trust your body and remain relaxed. I firmly believe that on any fertility journey, particularly if you're over 40, it's imperative to remain positive and to believe that you can get pregnant. AnneMarie helped me on my journey and I have no doubt will help you. This is a general hypnotherapy recording for the podcast, but is powerful. If you enjoy this session, then I highly recommend you arrange for personal hypnotherapy near to you or you can contact AnneMarie who can record personal hypnotherapy tracks. She can be contacted via her website below under her Bio section. Finally, this is Hypnotherapy you are NOT being hypnotised in anyway, so don't sorry. Simply sit or lie down somewhere comfortable and listen to the track.