Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 246: Justine Lucas - Creating Impact Through Innovation



Justine Lucas creates impact through innovation. She’s the Executive Director of Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation and a graduate of the Renegade Accelerator Program. Formerly, Justine was the Global Director of Programs for Global Citizen and produced the 2012 - 2015 Global Citizen Festivals and the 2015 Global Citizen Earth Day event.   Justine and her small but impactful team focus on the effects of climate change on those most marginalized, funding groundbreaking education and emergency response programs around the world. In 2020, the foundation mobilized $47M in grant-giving to aid the COVID-19 relief efforts and racial justice movements.   On this episode of Why Not Now?, Justine tells Amy Jo about practicing innovation in the philanthropic space to create systematic change instead of just putting temporary band-aids on issues. She also talks about the importance of listening to local communities in order to find the best solutions to help them. Justine’s extensive travel has allowed her to connect and