Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 115: Best of 2018 - Martha Beck, Jen Sincero, Marie Forleo, Danika Brysha



It's hard to believe it's the end of 2018. Looking back, there have been so many key moments where guests said things that clicked & resonated. This episode is a mix of the guests you voted for as making the most impact on you this year, as well as my favorites. Martha Beck talks about life being an adventure, Jen Sincero discusses the most important thing you need to do to make money, Marie Forleo explores listening to your inner voice & Danika Brysha shares the one thing we can do to truly take action.   To learn more about monday dot com, and for a free trial, go to http://hey.monday.com/amyjomartin   To learn more about the Renegade Accelerator, go to http://renegadeaccelerator.com   Get Amy Jo’s newsletter: https://amyjomartin.activehosted.com/f/21   Join the Why Not Now? Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/whynotnowpodcast/   Follow Amy Jo… FB: http://www.facebook.com/amyjomartin Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/amyjomartin Why Not Now? Insta: http://www.instagram.com/whynotno