Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 40: Amy Jo Martin - The topics we rarely discuss.



Mental health and suicide. Topics we rarely discuss. I share a personal story, a unique clip of Chris Cornell sharing his thoughts on the topic and the most powerful Why Not Now? conversation I have heard yet by Billy Corgan which saved his life. Why Not reach out if we need help working through something? Why Not reach out if we notice someone could use our help working through something? Why Not change the stigma? There's a specific application of this topic for entrepreneurs. Our society has encouraged us to take the leap as entrepreneurs. And we have. The idea of launching a start-up has been romanticized. Rightfully so, in many cases. The freedom to design your own day and determine the fate of your own business is enlightening. Here’s the secret that we never tend to talk about though: the ups, the downs, the stress, the lack of sleep and the weight of the world on your shoulders can easily leave you lonely. The freedom we have as business owners can leave us comfortless. Speaking from experience, there