Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 10: Evan McMullin - Presidential Candidate & Former CIA Operative



The unknown option in the 2016 Presidential Election. Evan McMullin just recently entered the race. Evan, former CIA operative, decided to run for president late in the game in order to stand up for what he believes. He's a 40-year old counter-terrorism expert that has a unique POV to share. Regardless of your political beliefs and mine, it's inspiring to witness someone who asks themselves, "Why Not Now run for President of the United States?" at the 11th hour in order to give voters another option. Is it a long shot that he'll win? Yep. Is it possible though? Yep. And it's quite honorable in my humble, patriotic, opinion.   Follow Evan: https://twitter.com/evanmcmullin   To learn more about monday dot com, and for a free trial, go to http://hey.monday.com/amyjomartin   To learn more about the Renegade Accelerator, go to http://renegadeaccelerator.com/ Get Amy Jo’s newsletter: https://amyjomartin.activehosted.com/f/21   Join the Why Not Now? Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/whynotnowp