Zero Percent Scared

48: La Llorona and her fireball fang baby



Join us today for a terrifying, depressing and somehow funny voyage into all things La Llorona -- aka 'the weeping woman', a child stalking madwoman who OBVI has postpartum psychosis like a mofo. We have so many insane stories in this episode, so get in here!  Email us stories! I MEAN IT, email us! FYI: The best way to support the pod is by subscribing, you can use this link to make it cray easy: References: La Llorona, Wikipedia La Llorona, the weeping woman of the southwest US Theater screens La Llorona instead of Detective Pikachu The Return of La Llorona, Texas Observer Postpartum Depression, Wikipedia Postpartum info, from the CDC Scholarly articles on Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression in men The creepy island of the dolls!!!!  Youtube vids of the island of the dolls Find us Online! If you like Zero Percent Scared, help us grow by spreading the word on Twitter (@ZeroScared), Facebook, or Instagram!