Zero Percent Scared

37: Ghostly Love Hugs (Guardian Angels)



Guardian angels are rad, even if they’re just hallucinations from the temporoparietal junction. Say yes to ghostly love hugs, no to floating intestines. This week we're talking about Guardian Angels and the 3rd man effect. Email us with encounters YOU have had with these ghost-bros! References: The Third Man Factor by John Geiger NPR's take on the book Surveys of Angelic belief in AmericaShackleton the amazing explorer guy Shackleton and his 'fourth presence'T.S. Elliot's poem, "The Waste Land" (based loosely on Shackleton's experience) The Strange World of Felt Presences from the Guardian Autoscopic phenomena: case report and review of literature (2011) Induction of an illusory shadow person (2006) Feeling of presence in Parkinson's disease (2010) VIDEO: Turkish shopkeeper saved by 'guardian angel' The Rescue of Baby Lily: Is this baby proof angels exist? VIDEO: Who called out to baby Lily's Rescuers? Felt Presence: the uncanny encounters with the numinous Other (2010) F