Dark Blue

Episode 4: Norman Brannon & Steve Pedulla



Norman Brannon and Steve Pedulla have both played in iconic and influential guitar based bands over the last 30 years (Brannon with Texas is the Reason, Pedulla with Thursday). They’ve both turned to more academic pursuits (Brannon with writing and teaching, Pedulla behind the lens on News Broadcasts and Feature Length Films). But these two men have one more thing in common: they’ve both toured extensively as gay men, not yet “out” to the public or even the members of their own bands. This episode dives deep into the efficacy of band therapy, the stresses of touring while “in the closet,” and what it means to have healthy secrets. Dark Blue is part of the Osiris podcast network. Osiris connects you with podcasts and live experiences about music and cultural topics you love. Check out the website for more podcasts and information.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.