Get It Together With Catie Hogan

Lifestyle Creepin'



Mini-episode today!! Next week I'm going a social media hiatus and I can't freaking wait. But before I disappear off the face of the earth for a week, I wanted to discuss some things I've been pondering. First and foremost, I have to talk about Arie and how much I disapprove of The Bachelor filming that breakup (I'm late to the party, I know). Then I want to talk about some money stuff! I'll give you a quick explanation of lifestyle creep and how it can prevent you from achieving true financial freedom. Then we'll take a minute to discuss how money, past a certain point, isn't going to make you any happier. This is a quick episode because I'm tired, overworked, and a little grumpy but you know I still got love for ya! My Get It Together Financial Guide ebook will be available for pre-order VERY soon, and I'll keep you posted on that. Happy spring, Gutter Pigeons!!!