Blon Lee Podcast

EP001: How to Let Go of Thoughts and Quiet Your Mind



Among my readers, the number 1 obstacle I see people face in meditation and spirituality is letting go of thoughts, emotions, and handling the wandering mind. So, in this very first episode of my podcast, I am going to teach you how to let go of emotional pain, negative thoughts and how to quiet your mind, even if you can’t stop thinking. I’m a Buddhist, and I study Chinese Zen. And when I first started practicing the principles of Zen, I used to believe I can become completely thoughtless, still, peaceful, happy all the time, and all those spiritual good stuff. Even as I called myself a Zen practitioner, and I did practice the diligently every day, I was never at peace. Not even close. But I didn’t give up. And now, I have the answer. Thanks so much for joining me this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using social media! Also, please leave an honest review for Blon Lee Podcast on iTunes. Click here to do so: Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatl