Coach Class Podcast

Ep. 71 Salmon Hella Dead feat. Luneydesmond



The coaches are back for another week of randomness. Desmond decided to swing by for a minute to let us know a few things about his current music moods. Follow his weekly playlist, Weekly Fix, @luneydesmond on apple music to further broaden your music taste. Rich kicks the show off about how he found a little too much comfort in his solace this past week (2:35). Mike took O.J. The Juiceman over any Wayne "back in the day" (12:05). Ravens kicker, Justin Tucker, is truly a legend in two worlds and he got Ngata OUTTA HERE with his revamped Royal Farms commercials (29:10). While in his solace, Rich discovered an article about July being the hottest month in recorded history and that sends the coaches down a rabbit hole of conspiracy lol (37:07). With Much More! #RIPBigReese