Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Live



I was Live, shooting the shit. Stop! #ToiletPaperCrisis ~ Had a lovely time connecting and chatting (Ms. TalkAlot) with y'all about how we're navigating the new normal... which it turns out is no longer 98.6 for many of us. Shared strategies... Zoom meetings for recovery of all kinds, workshops, business, support- in fact, join us on Zoom every Tuesday at 11 am PT for the Women Who Write Support Group... you don't have to be a writer, and maybe not even a woman... checking with the consensus...hit me up for deets... what I know for sure is that Facebook, Facetime, Zoom, calls, texts, and emails are saving me, gracing me, and giving me a strong sense of love, support, connection, and community, whilst I sit alone in my pajamas. Shared some stories, y'all did too, through the thread... please continue to add additional ideas and suggestions. The Facebook isn't enabling me to throw Watch Parties anymore to continue these... guess I'll just keep doing 'em. Leaving the home studio set, so I'll see you the next tim