Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Anson Williams On Vicki Abelson's The Road Taken



When Anson Williams comes to call, I’m newly inspired, informed, and fantastically entertained. My years-long mentor, time spent here 'splains why. Anson's all about moving forward, focusing on what we do have, not what we don't; finding the diamond in the rough on the table in front of us and mining it for all it's worth. Throughout the BROADcast, Anson demonstrates through his life experiences, the essence of why I created this show... how to successfully merge creativity and commerce... which, still eludes me. Dammit. But, I'm blessed to have Anson in my corner, helping to steer my ship. A listen here as he guides me through my current travails I trust will inform others, pray tell, you, too. Iffin' you don't need such things, if you're already banking coin, stay for the stories. Not only a Golden Globe Nominee for his work on Happy Days, Anson, a Humanitis award-winning writer, award-winning director, who's amassed major product marketing successes, and, is a mensch to the max. We talked talent... Jules