Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Anthony Fedorov On The Road Taken (online - Audio -



We went Live with American Idol finalist, Anthony Fedorov, maybe the nicest, most evolved human I’ve had the pleasure to get to know. Anthony sees only the good, the best, in everything, and everyone. Not a negative word, not a one. Precious take-away––every suggestion is an opportunity for growth, constructive criticism (think Simon) helps construct a better person, a better artist. Humble, self-aware, comfortable in his skin, and, self-confident, in a mature, realistic, measured, true sense. We talked reality competition show, American Idol, A-Z. Start to finish. Before, the during, and, the aftermath. And, man, does he have great, dishy stories, I’m talkin’ great. Paula, Simon. LL Cool J, JLo, his hero Mark Anthony (funny story!), Ellen, Leno, Patrick Landon, Constantine, Carrie, getting restyled, Craig Ames (my stylist), you’d be so great on one of these shows. We talked Russia, being pronounced dead, a tracheotomy when he was a toddler, which was supposed to silence him forever, a mom who gave her all an