One Mo Minute

ONE|MO|MINUTE: Twenty| Seven: Lessons of Womanhood



It's that time of the year again. My birthday. So when I finally began to jot down all the things I learned at 27 my list was at 50, obviously I had some narrowing down to do. Imagine a list of lessons compiled from a year of conversations, situations, experiences and epiphanies? I had a lot of ground to cover. So let’s get to it. 1. When people think you’re flying they want to fly with you too! Be careful who is in your flock. Be leery of people with hidden agendas. 2. Pouring into other people is rewarding. 3. Don’t allow temporary situations to have permanent damage. 4. Celebrate your victories no matter how small. 5. Your best moments are the ones you don’t share. 6. Manifest love. LOVE evolves. It’s not stagnant. 7. Secure the bar. Stick to your standards, values and requirements. 8. NEVER apologize for shining. 9. Little things make me happy. 10. Have no expectations. 11. Consistency is key. 12. You’ve got the power to live, persevere, grow, evolve and flourish. 13. Above all else choos