Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Immaculate Conception, Cosmic warfare



All Catholics worthy of the name rejoice on this, the greatest feast of our most blessed Lady. Christians naturally should rejoice, in fact Heaven itself is full of joy from that first moment that the Mother of the Lord was conceived. This great mystery has so many aspects, that it is impossible to cover them all, in a life time or indeed many lifetimes. And so all we can do is to pluck a single thread, and let us look at just one thread. As we heard in the first reading, when the Lord God called Adam, Adam was hiding and came out and said ‘I was afraid because I was naked and I hid’. And when the Lord asked further questions, the man replied, ‘It was the woman you put with me, she gave the fruit and I ate’. So the woman gave to the first man the fruit. Fruit that brought disaster to the whole human race. The man received the fruit in the garden, the garden of paradise. A garden which contains many other kinds of fruit, all meant for the delight of the human race. That is what fruit means, to be d