Sex Nerd Sandra

Sex Party Planning with Allison Moon & Marriah Moonkindred!



NO RANCH DRESSING! Girl Sex 101 author Allison Moon and performance artist Marriah Moonkindred teach Sandra how to throw a party. TOPICS: Hot lesbian action, Activities, Bar area, Friendly door, Sex and social anxiety, Accidental sex parties, Welcome circle, Kinky Salon, Betty Dodson, Jack & Jill Offs, Other parties, In front of friends, Bonobos, Organic vs planned sex, Giving permission as a host, Beacon of Permission. THEN: Creating your container, BDSM, Swinging scene, Curating guests, Strap-ons, Intention setting, Pre-party orientation, Consent and boundaries, Party zones, Music, Sunday Fun-day, Jealousy, Men hosts, Cuddle Party, Deep throat, Invitations and the perfect snack table!