Calvin Popcast

Pop Matters | Episode 4 | 5-10-2016



This episode includes insights from musician Adia Victoria involving her work with the blues and Black Lives Matter, featuring "South", "Dead Eyes", and "Seas Of Sand." In light of Dialogue magazine's upcoming release, our next segment includes a conversation between student Patrick Jonker and editor of Dialogue, Jack Van Allsburg, about the latest issue. Featured songs from last fall's mixtape include "The Gray Somewhere" by Monty.e , "No Need For That" by Ben Cooper, and "Again (This Is A Dream)" by Cotter Koopman. Our last segment includes a conversation between student Daniel Hickey and student senior Johnson Cochran, who has just released his first album, Rice Cakes For the Unsettled this spring. Johnson speaks of his experience with music as well as the work of his album. Songs include "Country Rock Purgatory", "Idolatrous Biologists", "Ohio Psychos", and " Lane Boy."