Answers Instead Of Prescriptions

Ep 132 - Digestive Issues and Candida Had Her Sick Like Never Before



Before I went to see Dr. Maulfair, I had been feeling sick for about 5 months like I've never been sick before. I went to my mainstream medicine doctors with symptoms of fatigue, extreme dizziness, nausea, digestive issues, cloudy thinking and a very bad rash with extreme itching on my eyes, scalp and forehead. I knew I had some type of allergy. At first my dermatologist thought I had a gluten intolerance and put me on a gluten-free diet which did not help at all. In September 2019, I went to the Allentown Fair and couldn't be sure what was gluten-free, so I said to my husband "I'll have some cotton candy, that has no gluten." After eating the cotton candy, the rash got worse and I began to itch over my head, face and neck. Then a light bulb went off. It was sugar! Now I began to do my own research and came to the conclusion that I had an overgrowth of yeast in my intestines. I put myself on "The Candida Diet" (found on the Internet) immediately. I began losing weight quite quickly. My six-month check with