Salescomm Kasvupodcast

#135: Guest Lauren Futter from HubSpot talks about HUGHelsinki [English]



Lauren Futter from HubSpot visited the Helsinki HUG (HubSpot user group) and gave a presentation for HubSpot users about HubSpot CRM, SalesHub and HubSpot integrations. In this episode, Jani Aaltonen and Lauren Futter talk about HubSpot CRM and Sales tools for growth acceleration. Some interesting nuggets from the podcast: - 50% of the sales peoples time is going to unproductive prospecting. - Where you start when getting your sales process standardized - What are the differences between HubSpot workflows and sequences? - LinkedIn Sales Navigator use cases and riching the data in HubSpot - How to use video in sales prospecting - Gong app analyzes the sales calls and helps salespeople to be better with the customers - HubSpot integration which you can start to use today Listen