Cats Protection

Kitten Socialisation



In this episode of the podcast, Sandra Milburn, one of the vets at Cats Protection (CP), has a chat with Daniel Cummings, CP’s Behaviour Officer. Delving into more specific behavioural aspects of cat care, Daniel sheds some light on the all-important topic of kitten socialisation – what this process entails, who should know about it, who needs to get involved, potential pitfalls, how the process works and what it is trying to achieve. Daniel further introduces the Kitten Socialisation section of the CP website, which contains all the information required to successfully socialise kittens between the age of 2-8 weeks and giving them the best start for a life as a pet cat wherever possible. Useful links mentioned in the podcast: Kitten socialisation section of CP website: This contains all the information needed, including soundbites, the kitten socialisation chart download and easy to follow ‘how to’ instructions.