What's In The News Robin

TBN! This Is Pretty Huge -Tobacco Control Leader Issues A Plea



The big topic this week in the vape / tobacco control space is a "manifesto" of sorts. A paper put out by veteran tobacco control leader Cliff Douglas. Cliff Douglas has worked in tobacco control for 33 years, he founded the American Lung Association Center For tobacco Control. This guy is a huge deal and has written a pretty earth shaking paper. We are going to dive into it, talk about our take aways and discuss what this means for the bigger tobacco control landscape and how I believe this will be one of the catalysts for mainstream vape acceptance. It is Time to Act with Integrity and End the Internecine Warfare Over E-Cigarettes ( MUST READ ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C1nk1XEZ8WhnOXtCGTqHdeqomc9HOuko/view