What's In The News Robin

Tuesday Bro Tuesday - VAPOR MADNESS - Anniversary of EVALI



Welcome back to Tuesday Bro Tuesday. Same show by name only. Each week for roughly an hour and a half we will all be discussing the topics of the day. As well as current breaking news from the world of vaping, nicotine, tobacco control and tobacco harm reduction. Today's Topics include: Discrediting the myth making machine. This week is the Anniversary of the political and health kerfuffle known as EVALI. We're going to dig into what happened and why it happened. Why did the CDC drag their feet on telling the truth? how are we supposed to trust them now? why are they no longer reporting youth THC use? Australia is also facing very similar youth vaping misinformation that we experienced in the US. The parallels are striking. I'm just mad and worn down and I don't even know what to do or say anymore. So F**k it, lets just yell into the wind some more. All program links will be down in the description below