What's In The News Robin

DNA75 ~ Avocado 24mm ~ NBS Survey ~ Tattoo Talk



►►►PLEASE READ THIS NOW BEFORE YOU LISTEN TO THE VLOG I'm sure a lot of people are wondering why there is no mention of Gov Jerry Brown in California, or the FDA Deeming regs in this weeks VLOG video. As it stands I record my VLOG on Tuesday Night and spend Wednesday editing / uploading it in order for it to be up on Thursday morning. Everything regarding the new CA laws as well as the FDA deeming regs just conveniently fell on a Wednesday this week. Hence the reason they are not in the VLOG. This Sunday night RubyRoo and myself will be dedicating the entire episode of CultureOfClouds to advocacy and discussion of the CA situation as well as the FDA. Thanks for understanding tuck in, grab your best vape, grab a beer and enjoy the video. Timestamps and all other crucial links are down below -----TIMESTAMPS----- Top of the program is a few announcements / Random news stuff NBS Vape Survey is at 5:39 What i've been vaping is at 9:59 Tattoo Talk is at 20:39 Beer is at 32:20 Shoutouts are at 3