What's In The News Robin

News from Cali ~ VaporShark DNA200 ~ Evic VT Mini ~ Phenotype L



8-27-15 VLOG VIDEO! Hey everyone! welcome to the VLOG for Thursday august 27th 2015. As per usual we have a whole mess of stuff to talk about including some updates from the recent hearings in California regarding vaping. There are some first impressions as well as beer and shoutouts. Wrapped up with a retro vaping segment where we build an old Nimbus RDA with some silica wick! good times. Tuck in, grab your best vape and enjoy the program -----TIMESTAMPS----- Top of the program is some announcements / Updates Slight Rant at 4:58 CA Vape update is at 11:27 Beer is at 19:39 Shoutouts are at 31:05 First impresions are at 42:18 Retro Vaping is at 01:07:00 Crucial links are below -----The Advocacy----- Not blowing smoke http://notblowingsmoke.org/session/ -----The Beer----- Gulden Draak 9000 http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/48/71973/ -----The Vapor----- VaPorShark DNA200 http://www.vaporshark.com/dna-200-lp The Kraigen 8ml tank http://www.kidneypuncher.com/the-kraigen-8ml-atlanti