What's In The News Robin

SB 140 ~ HOhm mod ~ TugBoat V2 mech ~ New beer stuff



6-25-15 VLOG video Hey everyone! welcome to the VLOG for Thursday June 25 2015! as per usual I've got a whole mess of stuff to talk about including some horrible legislation going down in CA. There is a titanium wire update as well as plenty of shoutouts, beer and first impressions. So tuck in... grab your best vape and enjoy the program. timestamps and other crucial links are all listed below. -----TIMESTAMPS----- Top of the program are Announcements / Advocacy Titanium Wire update is at 17:45 Beer is at 21:39 Shoutouts are at 27:33 First impressions are at 36:31 Retro Vaping is at 56:12 Crucial links are below DOH! I forgot to include some pictures in the vlog. You can view them here :) http://imgur.com/a/wMt7a -----The Advocacy----- CA SB140 http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB140 Assembly memebers http://assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers Kaiser Permanente link of awfulness http://partnersinhealth.kaiserpermanente.org/june-2015/national/3-reas