Suze Orman's Women And Money

Ask Suze Anything: April 2, 2020



In this edition of Ask Suze Anything, we hear questions and stories from Women & Money listeners Judy, Steve, Stephanie, Joan, Trish, Jim, Sophia, Suzy, and Paticia. They ask: During this crisis, I need money. Should I take it from my retirement account or the 529 plan I have? I am on Social Security and my daughter is on SSI. We don’t file taxes, are we eligible for the COVID-19 stimulus check? If one has a green card, will they get the COVID-19 stimulus check? I’ve been laid off due to the crisis, can I enroll in Obamacare? I lost my job and don’t have any money or credit cards, what can I do? I can’t afford to go on Cobra, how do I get insurance for my children? What expenses can I cut to save money now that I am laid off? I am trying to build my eight-month emergency fund, and I still have a job, can I defer my student loan and mortgage payments during this crisis? Will my college student daughter, whom I claim as a dependent, receive a COVID-19 stimulus check? JUST LAUNCHED! Join Suze’s Women & Money Co