Real Estate Real World

Episode 56: Joshua Smith | Be Intentional & Get Sh*t Done!



Fellow coach, Joshua Smith, has such an awesome philosophy that I love for both business and life - GET SH*T DONE! We all have business plans and goals for success, but we spend SO much time discussing our plans that we never get anything done. Let’s stop talking about these great plans and go out and GET THEM DONE! We packed this podcast full of energy and incredible content on health, success, and goals. As someone that has sold 5,000 plus homes, Josh shares some of his secrets to success and why he focuses solely on 90 day goals. Take a listen to find out what you need to be doing to create YOUR best life as your BEST self. Be intentional about accomplishing your goals and start by giving this podcast a listen!   Show Features Here are some of the key takeaways you get from this episode. ·        Josh’s Secrets to Success ·        3 Ways to Make Every Day a Win ·        Why 90 Day Goals Are More Effective Than Annual Goals ·        Implementation is Key