Pcos And Nutrition

Recovery and Healing: PCOS and Eating Disorder Reovery



In this episode I wanted to talk about recovery and healing. I have recovered from my Eating Disorder, healed my hormones and took back control from PCOS, but all this required patience and commitment. The aim for this episode was to remind you that healing and recovery take times, but it is worth it. The struggle, the ups and downs, it is all worth it in the end when you have finally taken back control. I also discuss how I maintained my motivation to stay on path of recovery and healing.     Podcast Sponsor Let'sGetChecked I talk a lot about getting to the root cause of your PCOS on this podcast and hormonal testing is one of the most important ways of understanding your condition. Without testing your hormones, it is very difficult to know what type of PCOS you have. Now, many women do not get the PCOS testing they need, whether it is because they're healthcare provider is not very supportive or because they purely do not have the time to visit their doctor. That is why I am excited to announce a new